Top 10k strings from Spectrum Adventurer - Issue 09 (1987)(Spectrum Adventure Exch Club)(Side A).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 "          
   2  1987 S.A.E.C.
   1 ~?3><>7s>sp<
   1 ~<<|`~ff~<~~
   1 tough kids who whittle their    fingers. There is a useful      ""TALK"" menu which provides a    degree of interaction with the  characters you meet, but watch  what you say to them or you     could become rabbit stew!
   1 the complete solution."
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <Well I hope that you understood<all of that and that you will<be able to put some of it to a<good use.< <On the next page you will find<Bird's pleas for help .....< < <Hee! Hee! Hee!":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <To find the Chest in the vaults<go N-W-E-N-D from the entrance.< <Now OPEN CHEST and then INSERT<STAFF INTO HOLE (the staff must<be lit first)< <To leave the Sword Chamber and<return to the mountains..S-S-U.< <At the 'Sheer Rock Face' UNLOCK<DOOR (the small red square is a<keyhole) with the Stone Key.":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <These will be copies of Bird's<rough notes, so bear with me &<I will just copy them out as he<has written them.Hopefully they<will be of some use,however not<even Bird has completed the  <game......Yet!< <See 'Issue 7' for some earlier<notes and don't forget .......<SAY POWER to open the Gate and<SAY LYTE to light the Staff.":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <Take the Iron Sphere back to <the Portcullis and go down the<opening you revealed by moving<the casket. Now FIT SPHERE INTO<HOLE, the small round one in <the blank wall & then SAY OPHEN< <Before crossing the Crystal<Bridge, make sure you PART.< <At the 'Great Doors in the <Valley of Vendas Vane' just <KNOCK DOOR WITH STAFF to open." :
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <PORTCULLIS< <PART and then get Lobo to go S-<W-W-N to the 'Valley of Mortan'<and TAKE A BOULDER. Now go back<to the Portcullis and go EAST &<STAND ON SLAB before typing<DROP BOULDER ON SLAB.Now JOIN &<go North to find the casket.<OPEN CASKET & then EMPTY SAND<before you MOVE CASKET.< <'Mountain Ledge'<STRETCH ROPE (the magic one) &<then THROW ROPE -CLIMB ROPE.":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <In the 'Temple of Vendas Vane'<PUT CROWN ON STATUE.< <In the 'Pool Room', PART & then<get Scarn to DIVE & then TURN<KNOB to open the Wall.< <If you end up in the 'Deep pit<with Spiked walls', WAIT until<the walls start to close in &<then CLIMB SPIKES to get out.< <In the 'Brick Room' just MOVE<TAPESTRY to reveal a blank wall":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <In the 'Realm of Llacland',SAY<KENRU (translate the scratches)<to open the secret door.< <At the Great Lake, PART and<then get LOBO to BLOW HORN when<he sees the object on the lake,<it is a raft. BOARD RAFT and<when you arrive at the jetty,go<to the 'Floating Pathway in<Vatrlatt' where you can DIVE to<find the Crown. Make sure you<DROP ALL before you do though.< <To find the Hermit go to the<Jetty, BOARD RAFT and go EAST.":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <In the 'Dungeons of Trantoss'<get LOBO to LIFT SCARN ONTO <LEDGE & then get Scarn to go S<to find your objects. Return to<the ledge and DROP PILLS INTO<DUNGEON.Lobo can now TAKE PILLS<and then SWALLOW PILLS. He will<rise up to the ledge & is now<free to go South. Once outside<the dungeons, JOIN & then PULL<LEVER to open the door. If you <end up in the dungeons again, <just go WEST to leave them." :
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< <At the location where 'A dark <mist surrounds you' you will <need the EGG & the CUP from the<chest in the vaults of Vendas<Vane. Now just PUT EGG INTO CUP<and you will be able to see.< <To call the Ferryman, BLOW HORN< <To get your money back, PART<and then get one brother to <call the Ferryman, whilst the<other goes E-S-W,from the ferry<and then ENTER CAVE-OPEN CHEST.":
   1 t$="TRANTOSS NOTES< < <Route to Village from where the<Wizard leaves you ...S-E-S and<then continue East to find the<Temple and then East again to <find the Well.< <On the 'Narrow path surrounded<by bushes', just PULL BUSHES to<reveal a way North.< <To cross the Ravine, go East &<then CLIMB TREE. To Return from<the other side just JUMP BRANCH":
   1 t$="If you want any help or< < advice, or just want to tell< < BIRD of your Top 3 adventures< <write to ..... < <The BIRD & the BALROG< <c/o 26 Spotland Tops< <Cutgate< <Rochdale< <Lancashire OL12 7NX":
   1 t$="HONORABLE MENTIONS< < <PRICE of MAGIC<Level  9 nearly reached a mass<audience with this one.< <HEAVY on the MAGIK<A great idea that never quite<captured what it set out to.< < <'RIP OFF' of the Year< <QUESTPROBE 3<It is so badly bugged, even in<it's latest versions.":
   1 t$="BIRD'S PLEAS FOR HELP< < <1..What can be done in the <'Dead End' to the north of the<Ogre's Den.< <2..Where is the RED SWORD.< <3..What do you put in the slot.< <4..How do you escape from the<'Rocks at a bend of the River'< <5..What do you do once the<Statue lowers it's arms.":
   1 t$="BALROG GOSSIP< <The cost of 'adventuring' is<getting out of hand! I recently<bought 3 adventures and got <very little change out of `30.<They were....<DRACULA<COLOUR OF MAGIC<KAYLETH< <All of them good examples of <their art, but surely just <under `10 is too much for the<average adventurer to have to<fork out.< <Comments to the usual address!":
   1 t$="< < < < < BYE !< < < <Press any key to read again.< < < < <     The BIRD & the BALROG":
   1 t$="***BIRD'S TOP FIVE OF '86**< < <1.THE BOGGIT < <2.VERY BIG CAVE ADVENTURE< <3.TERRORS of TRANTOSS< <4.AFTERSHOCK< <5.=REBEL PLANET< <5.=BUGSY < <Send in your votes and see if<your fave will enter the chart.":
   1 s6<8<63q~00001
   1 s33??33s~~
   1 o,o;"        press any key           "
   1 l,c;t$(f):
   1 bird      
   1 Z$="                                "
   1 Your mission is to find the   Leader of a drugs ring who has  been flooding the country with  heroin. He has to be terminated,but not before he reveals the   identity of the double agent whohas helped him to stay one step ahead of the law.
   1 You won't get far in this gamewithout money. The newspaper    boys will start your criminal   career but keep your face       covered or the long arm of the  law will descend on you.
   1 You will also come across the Goddess Danu disguised as a     Raven. To receive a present fromher just give her some nuts.
   1 You take the role of Rincewindwho is a none too successful    wizard who during training got  the first of eight spells lodgedin his brain.
   1 You can only carry up to four objects including clothes (worn)and you need the key to unlock  more doors. Leave objects in theGreat Hall for later use.
   1 You are a house guest and are asked by a worried Lord Stingy  to recover a priceles ruby ring stolen from another guest. As   you start to dream in bed, the  first thing to do is to get up, go north to your dressing room  and get dressed.
   1 Why is the hotel locked? How do you deal with a stubborn donkey?Who is the lady in the golden   cage?
   1 When he attacks just try to   kill him and watch him run.     Don't let him get away - just take the rope (KILL OX and UNTIE  ROPE), cross the narrow bridge  and find his camp.
   1 Well Winter is upon us again &  the Bird is sat huddled next to the log fire in the corner. He  refuses to co-operate,something about 
   1 We loaded the same database intoThe Expander and found we had anextra 6975 bytes.
   1 UNTIE BOAT and sail to the path by the ornamental lake.
   1 To test The Press we used our   Castle Thade database (which    uses all but 20 bytes of memory)and using the FAST mode which   took 37 minutes, we ended up    with 9648 bytes spare!
   1 To pass the fire wear the     cloak for protection. For a     moving experience STEP INTO     RING.
   1 To get back up after you JUMP ON STRAW, PLACE LADDER AGAINST  PLATFORM. Examine the body to   find a cloak. Can't get through the Vale of Whispers? Wear the  amulet to quiten the noise.
   1 To finish the game you should just step back into the ring.
   1 To cross the narrow bridge,   wear the Helmet of Command. If  you feel tired at the lake just have a good sleep. You never    know what you might dream up!
   1 To celebrate our new style of   presentation in the magazine    the winner of this months       competition will receive not 1, but 5 adventures of his/her     choice.
   1 This will involve some highly illegal activities such as theftand corruption not to mention a spot of murder.
   1 This should summon the cook   and if you GIVE KNIFE she will  leave you a can of dog food.    Leave this in the Great Hall.
   1 This of course means that you   have to reload side 2, enter onecode, load the data from side 1 and enter the other code!
   1 This means that a text only   adventure can now use more than 40K of memory and much more textcan be added to illustrated     adventures.
   1 This is one of my favourite     games. It is not too difficult  but for anyone still stuck I    hope to give you a little       assistance.
   1 There is a lot of humour in   this game. A visit to the barbershould bring a smile to your    face and watch out for the  
   1 There is a bell push in the   butlers sanctum and in various  other rooms too. PUSHing the    BELL sometimes brings a servant but right now you should go to  the dining room and push the    bell there.
   1 There could have been a more  extensive vocabulary.
   1 There are two ways in which tocompile a database:-                                            
   1 There are quickly drawn split screen graphics which can be    turned on or off. A RAM SAVE/   LOAD command makes life on the  Discworld a little easier.
   1 There are more irritating     points in this game. You cannot leave your office until your    boss phones you, but this does- n't happen until you have taken 14 turns.
   1 The writing on the wall says    that.... ""You are Inspector Le- Gles, the famous Belgian detect-ive..."" but you aren't really - you only dream that you are.
   1 The winner, Mr P Mann from      Ipswich chose THE BOGGIT.
   1 The utility also has programs to autosave adventures and      SCREEN$. The 16 page instructionbooklet is well written and     should ensure trouble free use  of this excellent product.      My only grumble is that it now  takes 3 cassettes to produce an adventure - it would be great ifeverything was on one tape.
   1 The trader has a valuable sourceof protein for sale so buy it   with the iron.
   1 The solution to Competition 5   was 
   1 The servants do not always    appear when summoned. Sometimes pushing the bell twice works, orleaving the room and returning, or dropping an object and push- ing the bell again.
   1 The second required object is a rest, which you will find in acupboard in the cook's bedroom. Next is chalk which is in the   gun room on a lower floor.
   1 The oar and the fishing rod   are red herrings - you only needthe axe. If you can't carry any more drop the bike and/or the   mirror. Go south twice to the   jetty and DOWN into the boat.
   1 The game takes place a long,  long time ago. You are a mighty Celtic Chieftain who fights for the survival of his people.
   1 The adventure begins in a pub called The Broken Drum in the   city of Ankh Morpork. Rincewind is flat broke and drinking      equally flat beer. Twoflower    soon arrives and Rincewind soon has some advance wages.
   1 The above points may be minor in themselves but taken collect-ively they spoil an otherwise   enjoyable adventure. They could and should be rectified if the  company wants people to part    with `7.00.
   1 The Press is an exciting utilitywhich enables Quill users to    compress and expand databases,  location and message text only, status and event entries are    untouched.
   1 The Expander can be used with   text only databases. It allows  you to amend existing location  and message texts. You cannot   alter Status/Event tables,      objects or system messages.
   1 The      Dictionary method gave us 8977  bytes and took only 2 minutes.
   1 Take it and load the gun, go  to the tall oak tree and SHOOT  the NEST and hey presto! there  is the ruby ring, stolen by a   magpie.
   1 TEXT      a
   1 Star rating
   1 Send your entries to S.A.E.C. bythe 10th MARCH 1987. Remember tolet us know which adventures youwould like to win.              
   1 S.GLAMORGAN    
   1 P.O. BOX 100
   1 Operation Stallion was writtenwith The Quill, Illustrator and The Patch. Unfortunately the    full screen graphics scroll up  the screen as soon as they are  drawn which is unacceptable in  any game but especially one at  this price."
   1 Only two people know who you  are - your boss C.J. and the    Prime Minister and to ensure    your loyalty they have implanteda tiny device in your brain     which if activated will kill    you."
   1 Once you have made your choice  of equipment you must save your game position as it will be     needed in Part 2, along with a  code number which you will be   given in addition to the one on the cassette label.
   1 Once you get the cue don't    think you are going to play     snooker or billiards. You are,  however, heading for the        Billiards Room, where you will  see that Lord Stingy lives up tohis name.
   1 Once in the fort, you will    find a shield which may help youfight off the Roman when he     attacks you, which he will do   sooner or later.
   1 ODDS + ENDS
   1 North from here, the passage  ends with a heavy steel door,   but as you have the mirror and  the bike (read the message on   the door) you can OPEN DOOR. Youwill now find yourself on a     small island.
   1 Next month ...'
   1 NOT BAD    
   1 N,N;"                  ":
   1 N,F;"CREDITS ":
   1 Membership is free. Write for   full details now.
   1 Make sure you don't miss an     issue of Spectrum Adventurer by taking a subscription at these  special prices.
   1 Luckily enough for you, there is a kind one near where you    start, so if you see a hare     caught in a trap then free him.
   1 Leave the whistle in the hall,get the can and the tin opener, open the can (do not drop the   can) and take the tin opener to the Gun Room. PUSH BELL to      summon the gamekeeper. He will  give you a shotgun.
   1 LOADER    
   1 It's all very James Bondish - you even have to enter a code   number from the cassette label  before you can start the game.
   1 Insert the coin but don't     waste time trying to play a gameas you have found an entrance.
   1 In this adventure you take the  role of John Blake, a Fixer for the Government. A Fixer is some-body who protects democracy in  this country - at any price.
   1 In part 1 you have to equip   yourself with items such as a   rope, a metal detector, stun    grenades, a machine gun, a pair of pliers, a camera, and a tape recorder. The problem is that   you are given a list of 24      objects but you can only choose 13 of them. Lets hope that it   isn't too important which items you choose otherwise it could beimpossible to complete the game.
   1 In Part 2 you find yourself ina layby near your objective, a  mansion which is surrounded by  a large wall. You have only 24  hours to complete your mission  and 7 hours have been used up   getting this far. Each turn     takes 6 minutes which means you have 170 turns to complete the  adventure.
   1 In FAST mode The Press looks  at 50 combinations of characterswhich occur most frequently and looks at 500 in SLOW mode. It   does this for each of the 90    tokens used to replace text.
   1 If you haven't got this game  then rush out and buy it now,   it is brilliant.
   1 If you fail to do this the    device in your head is activatedand the computer is reset.
   1 If you don't want the sword   anymore take it to the slab and PLACE SWORD INTO GROOVE.
   1 If we had recompiled and      expanded until we had reached   the top of memory we could have obtained around 11K of extra    memory.
   1 If she does not appear, see ifSophie, the scullery maid, will come when summoned to the old   playroom. Give Sophie the rest  and she will leave you a tin    opener. HA! You think - to open the tin of dog food! Just so,   but not yet!
   1 If a bear stands in your way  kill it with the sword. You can hear singing emanating from a   hut and you discover the source to be a woman, or is it? If you follow her into the swamp as shebids you to do, beware, she is adevious Goddess who wants you   dead.
   1 I found this a bit awkward at first but it doesn't take long  to get used to it.
   1 Head for a summerhouse south  of the tall oak tree and push   the bell to summon an Amazon    Indian. Give him the axe and youwill receive a corkscrew in     exchange.
   1 He is however an excellent    translator so when Twoflower,   the Discworlds first tourist    arrives complete with walking   luggage, Rincewood is able to   earn some money as a guide.
   1 Go up twice to the roof then    west to a window where there is a small mirror. LOOK at the     window for a clue - remember    what you read in the old news-  paper?
   1 Go north and west to the butlerssanctum. Unlock the door to get a knife from the silver store.
   1 Go east from here but SAVE thegame first as you soon find     yourself in a predicament with  rats running up your trousers...UGH!!
   1 Go back to the Billiards Room,through the Grand Salon to the  Great Hall with its marble      floor, then north until you     reach the middle of a long hall.
   1 GOOD                                          
   1 GILSOFT        
   1 Five 25p discount vouchers whichcan be used in our exchange clubwill be sent with each order.
   1 Finished with an adventure?
   1 Examine the Monolith and enterthe fissure to gain access to   the Shrine of Nemed.
   1 Drop the whistle and take the key and the teddy N and up to   the door at the top of the      stairs. Unlock it and someone   (find out for yourself who!)    will grab the teddy and drop a  cartridge.
   1 Drop the tin opener and the   key in the Great Hall, wear the trouser clips and go in search  of a mirror. Go east twice from the dining room to an inglenook.
   1 Don't let it gather dust on a   shelf!
   1 Don't even think of making a    train journey without having    Louie and Muscles with you. Evenso, you won't be staying in     Chicago for long.
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Could you enter Castle Thade anddefeat the Lord of Darkness?
   1 Cash Prize
   1 CF6 8HD        
   1 C$="Words of wisdom on              adventuring via                 Micronet."
   1 C$="Tips on Kayleth                 and The Very Big                Cave Adventure                  (Part 1)."
   1 C$="PIRANHA SOFTWARE                4 LITTLE ESSEX STREET           LONDON                          WC2R 3LF"
   1 C$="Just what it says!"
   1 C$="CRL                  9 KINGS YARD                    CARPENTER'S ROAD                LONDON   E15 2HD"
   1 C$="An exciting adventure           with Dr Goo!"
   1 C$=" Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT":
   1 C$="  We will try and deal with your  letters by return post but if   your problem is a real poser    you may have to wait a few      days for a reply."
   1 C$="  Are you having problems with    an adventure? HELPLINE is a     free service which could save   you from death, destruction,    and much worse (if such a       thing is possible)."     
   1 C$="  All you have to do is write     to us with your problem and     we will do our best to help     you."
   1 Both The Press and The Expander are easy to use and have Quill  like menus.
   1 Being a Delta 4 adventure     there is the usual reams of textand loads of their inimitable   humour.
   1 Be careful here - on the roof you are told you can go up from here, but DESIST! You will fall and wake up and have to start   all over again!
   1 Backnumbers and single issues   cost `2.00 (U.K.) `2.50 (Europe)`3.50 (Overseas) for each issue.
   1 BUGSY'           
   1 BARRY          
   1 As you wander around Ankh     Morpork there will be occasions when decisions have to be made. E.g. will you help the beggar   or buy a horse and abandon Two- flower.
   1 An extra 6938 - 7338 bytes canbe obtained.
   1 <~ff<f~<<~F~>
   1 ;"WARLORD":
   1 ;"This is the first adventure in atrilogy under the Operation     series. The first person to     complete the trilogy will win a cash prize of `500."
   1 ;"This game is in two parts. Part 1 involves collecting equipment for the actual mission which is carried out in Part 2."
   1 ;"The BIRD & The BALROG"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE":
   1 ;"SPECTRUM 
   1 ;"R BATEY":
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY":
   1 ;"PRESS A KEY"
   1 ;"P-00{00} TAPE 9  
   1 ;"Oh he has just said that he     will continue to supervise from high in the left hand corner... and that I may use his notes on 
   1 ;"NUMBER OF ISSUES"        
   1 ;"NUMBER 7
   1 ;"Maps of the above adventures areavailable free of charge from   S.A.E.C."
   1 ;"LOADING"
   1 ;"J ROWE":
   1 ;"IS LOADING"
   1 ;"FEBRUARY 1987"
   1 ;"EDITOR William Young":
   1 ;"3      6      12"
   1 ;"     June Rowe   Alex Marsh":
   1 . If the above faults had not been in the game I would have given it another 
   1 ,  therefore I suppose I will have to do this all on my own.";
   1 *****THE BIRD & THE BALROG*****";
   1 *         F
   1 *         
   1 'frozen quill feathers'
   1 'Terrors of Trantoss'
   1 '"U.K.        `5.00  `10.00 `18.00"
   1 '"This is an excellently produced adventure which just shows what can be done with The Quill."
   1 '"This is a 4 part adventure basedon Terry Pratchett's novel. It  is set on Discworld which is a  flat disc carried by four giant elephants who are on the back ofa turtle!"
   1 '"These are E,E,N and E. Reverse  the directions to return. Keep  the wolves at bay by throwing   them the meat."
   1 '"There are occasions when objectsin the text are not recognised  if you try to EXAMine them."
   1 '"Overseas    `10.00 `18.00 `36.00"
   1 '"Once you have found him you needto CAPTURE ROMAN. Now you have  him what are you going to do?   I know! The Druid is quite fond of sacrificing people, so why   not give the Roman to him? You  never know what you might get inreturn. So GIVE ROMAN TO DRUID."
   1 '"Moving around in this adventure is a departure from the norm.   As the game takes place on a    disc the directions are Hubward,Rimward, Turnwise and (wait for it), Widdershins! These can be  shortened to H,R,T and W."
   1 '"Join our exchange club and swop it for another one. We probably have more adventures on our     books than you will find in yourlocal computer store.
   1 '"It turns out to be the God Lug  who has a message for you. If   you want to know his name try   jumping in the pool. To leave   just climb out."
   1 '"Go west four times to a junctionwith a N/S passage. This is     where you might have ended if   you had continued east from the secret chamber, but by wearing  the trouser clips you are now   safe from the rats!"
   1 '"Go south, EXAM and GET BOTTLE - this opens a secret room to the east. In the secret chamber you will find an old newspaper, readit but don't take it away."
   1 '"Go north twice to find the key. If you continue north you will  come to a locked door, unlock itat your peril!"
   1 '"Get the rest and go to the      master bedroom. If Mary, the    upstairs maid appears, give her the cue (Mary is an aspiring    actress) in exchange for a pair of trouser clips."
   1 '"From the Danaan settlement go W,S,W,N,W,D and S. Throw the urn  into the fire. If you can't findthe way perhaps you should try  carrying a staff." 
   1 '"Europe      `7.50  `12.00 `24.00"
   1 '"Drop the shotgun in the hall.   Pick up the whistle and blow it till a dog appears. FEED DOG to get a tattered old teddy."
   1 '"Castle Thade is a two part, puretext adventure."
   1 '"As usual, all you have to do is unscramble the following        letters to form the names of    three adventures."
   1 '"Another adventure from the Quillof the ladies at St Brides.     Bugsy is a little blue rabbit,  who with your help, is going to become the biggest gangster in  Chicago."
   1 '"  Wandering around on this levelyou will find an Arabian room   where there is a coin. This is  the first of four objects you   will need in order to find a keyto unlock the back door. This isa must, because once you leave  the house (through the front    door) the snooty butler will notlet you in again."
   1 '"  I have reservations about the price of this game but since thefirst 100 orders will receive   Part 2 free of charge and there is a prize of `500 I will award this adventure 
   1 '"   The Balrog   Richard Batey":
   1 '"         Andy MacGregor":
   1 '"         
   1 "These are only a few of the     questions you will ask yourself as you try to rid the land of   the evil Lord."
   1 "If you would like any of these  maps just drop us a line and    we'll get them off to you by    return post."
   1 "(Full details in ODDS & ENDS)"
   1 "  Your objective is to find and kill the Roman champion, but be warned, there are Gods around   who may or may not help you."
   1 "  You should soon have enough   money to get yourself a weapon  which will enable you to get    more money which in turn will   enable you to hire some help.   Spend your money wisely or you  could end up in a padded cell."
   1 "  Without a doubt this is a     
   1 "  When you find some food it's  best to eat it straight away as it gives you renewed energy     which you must have to fight theRoman."
   1 "  This is an excellent adventurewith quickly drawn split screen graphics that can be switched onor off. There is a useful RAM   SAVE/LOAD facility which comes  in handy after being turned intorabbit stew for the umpteenth   time."
   1 "  The idea of the game is to    look after the naive Twoflower. He is a very important person   and there are some people aroundwho are none too friendly       towards him."
   1 "  Now you need a cue, which is  well hidden. Go DOWN from the   servants' corridor leading norththen DOWN again to a cellar."
   1 "  If you want the urn, remember the Gods have to obey the Helmetof Command too."
   1 "  If the guard outside the      Cadwell Hill fort won't let you in, don't ASSALT him! Just give him what he wants." 
   1 "  Go to the house, through the  back door and into the smoking  room (north of the library) and summon the butler who will give you a whistle for the corkscrew."
   1 "  Get the ring and go west to   meet Lord Stingy and be congrat-ulated on your success!"
   1 "  Get the mirror and go back to the Great Hall and out the frontdoor, then head east to the     southeast corner of the stately pile. Go north then continue    east to a path which winds southto a lakeside. GET the BIKE by  the lake and go N,E,S,W and DOWNinto a crypt."
   1 "  East from here is the Buttery and the back door. Having un-   locked it, you may now set out  to find objects to give to      various servants who will give  you other objects in exchange."
   1  adventure."
   1  Welcome to Spectrum Adventurer   Published by S.A.E.C.                        4 Kilmartin Lane                CARLUKE                         Lanarkshire                     SCOTLAND                        ML8 5RT
   1  The Hammer of Grimmold":
   1  The Extricator":
   1  THERE ARCH":
   1  Seabase Delta":
   1  Robin of Sherwood":
   1  HAMPSTEAD                     
   1  Golden Apple":
   1  EMERALD ISLE                  
   1  DRAWLOR":
   1  Bored of the Rings":
   1  1987 S.A.E.C."
   1  - This uses a  general purpose dictionary      resident in The Press or one    which you have previously saved from a previous database. This  method takes 2 - 3 minutes.
   1  - This   gives you 2 options - FAST or   SLOW. FAST will take between 30 minutes and 1 hour and SLOW willtake up to 10 times longer.
   1   The game starts with you in   bed - you can see an alarm clockand a novel. So you wind the    clock and start to read...
   1   My only criticism of the game is the number of introductory   pages which have to be gone     through each time the game is   played.
   1   If you want to cross the swampwhy don't you wear the torch, itgives you directions to take.
   1         Z 
   1         Jd
   1               Fn
   1               "
   1                                "
   1                                 Bp